Monday, April 4, 2011

3 Months

Zach is 3 months old!!

I can't believe how fast he his growing.

He is getting so big!

He making lots of different noises. He loves to "talk" to us.

He smiles a lot and LOVES to be played with

He can now hold toys and put them in his mouth - he wants to put EVERYTHING in his mouth.

Instead of sucking his thumb, he puts his WHOLE hand in his mouth!!

He still loves his bath.

He does not like to be on his tummy but can flip from his stomach to his back.

He smiles really big when you walk into the room and kicks his little legs up in the air.

He really likes when we help him sit up and stand.

He hates sleeping in the day - if it were his choice he would stay up all day long.

He likes to go on walks with us.

He is sleeping so good! Some nights he has slept 8 hours straight!!

He loves when his dad whistles.

We sure do love this guy!!

Pictures to come..

1 comment:

Megan said...

Wow! 3 months! That is a milestone :) Good work! I just saw that smile video too. So cute.